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POTA K-5578|MVARA Shootouts|Club Functions|Field Day |Tower Projects|Dayton Trips|Club Projects
Dayton 2011|Dayton 10|Dayton 09|Dayton 06|Dayton 05
Setting up the HF antenna, Don't look now but if Eric bends any farther, we may have Plumbers Crack!!!

Setting up the HF antenna, Don't look now but if Eric bends any farther, we may have Plumbers Crack!!!

The loot. The big haul. The goods. Plus in the back ground, Ham Lube

The loot. The big haul. The goods. Plus in the back ground, "Ham Lube"

Boat Anchors!!!!!!!!!  Heavy Metal!!!!!!

Boat Anchors!!!!!!!!! Heavy Metal!!!!!!



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